Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Tomorrow's the big day!!

I can't believe that tomorrow is the big day! I am scheduled to come to the hospital at 8:30 in the morning (but I call in at 7am to see if they are busy; they might have me come in a bit later if there is a mommy traffic jam or something).  Then it is baby time!

I think I have everything here at the house as prepared as I can get, but at the same time I feel like I'm still not ready! It's exciting and scary all at the same time. I can hardly get my head around the idea that when we leave the house tomorrow morning, we will be coming home as parents!

I had my last doctor's appointment today, and it looks like Hannah is already working on getting ready to make her appearance. I am 70% effaced and 1 1/2 cm dilated. Won't be long now before we get to finally see her!  I was told not to eat breakfast tomorrow morning =(  but at least I got a big yummy dinner tonight - Mom and Dad took Josh and I out to Lime in downtown for our last dinner out. It was delicious and I am stuffed silly now! Good thing, since that will have to last me a while...

Now it's just time for a good night's sleep.... and the very last belly picture!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mark your calendars for June 15th!

Now it really is countdown time, because at my doctor's appointment this week, I got scheduled for induction on Wednesday, June 15th! It is completely crazy to already know Hannah's birthday! [Provided she doesn't decide to come earlier than that, of course...] Given my super-short labor history and distance from the hospital, it made sense to try to prevent me getting stuck somewhere! My body is already starting to get ready, though. At that doctor's appointment, it was time to start checking me - and I am already 50% effaced & half a centimeter dilated!

It's really started to hit me that she is coming very soon & I still don't feel like I'm totally ready yet. However, the nursery is totally ready now.... so here's the pics!

 (The TV is still there from when Josh & I were hanging everything on the walls... that still needs to come out!)

And since I just took a nice couch nap while Josh is working an event, my next tasks are packing hospital bags & getting the baby book started! =)