Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Halfway point

It's hard to believe that this week I hit the halfway point - 20 weeks!

Yesterday we had our second ultrasound, and things are still looking good! The doctor was able to get a better view of the entire heart this time; the structure and function all looked good. He did notice a little calcium deposit on the heart muscle (saw it last ultrasound too), but said that it wasn't anything to worry about. Placenta is still low, but it is still early in the game. And now for the latest pictures...

In other news, I've finally started feeling movement! For the past couple of weeks, I have thought that I felt a flutter here or there, but nothing consistent and nothing I was sure wasn't my imagination [or gas...]. But yesterday and today I am sure I felt her rolling around in there! Part of it could be that I've spent a lot of time on the couch not doing too much since yesterday and today were snow days. So without the distraction of running around all day at school, it's been much easier to notice the movement. It's still not dramatic movement yet, since she's still so little. Though I can feel her moving from the inside, Josh & I haven't yet been able to feel her with a hand on the belly yet. I'm sure that will come soon!

Speaking of the belly - I don't think my size has changed much since the last pic, but here is a new one anyway:

The next doctor's appointment is in a couple of weeks. Hopefully my weight gain won't still be "brisk" =)


  1. She seems to be acting just like Christine. I love all three of you.

  2. You look beautiful, and you have that special glow:-) Dad and I can hardly believe how fast time has gone by...halfway there. We just can't wait for the little bundle of joy. It's fun to see the ultrasound films, and we are glad everything is good. I am sure you and Josh will enjoy watching and feeling the movements as time goes on. Thank you for sharing! Love you, Mom and Dad

  3. How exciting! Very happy for you both!
