Today was a wonderful day. We had our ultrasound with the perinatologist, and he said that everything looked great!! He took a good close look at the diaphragm first, and everything was right where it was supposed to be. I think I finally relaxed for the first time in quite a while. The only thing he couldn't get a perfect view of was the very top of the heart. Everything he saw looked perfect so he said that there was nothing to worry about, but due to baby's position he couldn't quite get a perfect view of the top. He said that if we wanted to come back in a few weeks and take another look that would be fine - or we could wait until the next ultrasound in about 3 months to check on the position of the baby/placenta, etc. We opted for the 3-week visit! Why turn down an extra ultrasound, right?
One other minor detail popped up; apparently my placenta is a little low-lying at the moment (down close to the cervix instead of on the side towards the top of the uterus). But this is still really early in the pregnancy. Most of the time, this issue will resolve itself long before delivery time. When it gets closer to go time, they'll check the placenta location again & take it from there. But again - he said nothing to worry about.
Now time for pictures!
Oh and did I mention ... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!
Dad and I are so happy that the doctor had good news! It is exciting to see the ultrasound pictures. Thank you for sharing them! We can't wait for the next picture in three weeks. Love to the 3 of you!